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The Story Behind DigiVET
DIGIVET is an Erasmus+ project, which, in the long term, will provide an innovative solution to the EU’s declared challenge of improving levels of digital skills amongst VET educators.
Firstly, we will
Create a VET digital curriculum focusing on developing entrepreneurial mind-sets (E.G. recognising and acting on an opportunity)
Secondly, we will promote
Skills and attitudes: women may have the determination and enthusiasm to run a business but may not have the appropriate skills-set and leadership qualities
Meta-qualities: to be developed through action learning sets; developing the ability of learning-to-learn; and identifying self-weaknesses for subsequent development

6 Partners from UK, Germany, Austria, Italy and Romania
We will use non-formal education methods to train 24 VET trainers/educators, from the UK, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Romania at a short term staff training event (C1) held in Romania in Month 12. We will use Kolb’s Experiential Learning Tool to monitor the 24 VET “trainees” as they return to each work with 10 women beneficiaries (240 in total).